What to do in Vichy ?

After class you will have time to know all that this city has to offer. During the day or at night there is always something to discover in Vichy, UNESCO World Heritage city !

Sightseeing Vichy

L’Opéra de Vichy

The Vichy Opera, listed as a Historic Monument in 1975, classified in 1996, is the only “Art Nouveau” theater in France.

Napoléon III’s park

This park makes come to life the urban landscape and is the very expression of the density, the richness and the quality of the wooded heritage of the city.

Palais des Congrès

The Palais des Congrès-Opéra de Vichy, offers an unprecedented journey through the Second Empire, the Belle Epoque and Modernity.

The chalets Napoléon III

Private dwellings of Napoleon III, these chalets of colonial inspiration were built from 1862 on the edge of the new park.

The hippodrome of Vichy

On the banks of the Allier, the hippodrome of Vichy-Bellerive celebrates horses, the spectacles of races around exceptional events since 1875.

Museum of African and Asian Art

This museum brings together Asian and African collections and exhibitions on the civilizations of these two magnificent continents.

Valery Larbaud’s Cultural Center

Shows for young and old, classical music, current music, conferences, exhibition, among others.

The Hall des Sources

Built in 1903, the Hall des Sources currently houses the refreshment booths of the five emblematic sources of Vichy.

Surrealist Museum François Boucheix

The works presented cover more than fifty years of the career of François Boucheix, who in 1962 decides that Surrealism will be that of dream and happiness.

The kiosks

The seven music kiosks in Vichy at the beginning of the century testified to the importance of music in the “Queen of Spas”.

The quatre chemins

The shops in Vichy are open 7 days a week, including Sundays and public holidays.

The Grand Marché of Vichy

Find the traders of the Grand Marché of Vichy! Butcher, delicatessen, bakery, pastry shop, cheese dairy, fish shop, grocer, fruits and vegetables.

And much more !

Big events


Every year in August, Vichy welcomes more than 3,500 participants from around the world to the IRONMAN Vichy.

Fête Napoléon III

Each year in spring, Vichy pays tribute to his pygmalion, Napoleon III, on the occasion of a great historical feast.

Jumping International CSI***

Since 1887, the Jumping International CSI *** is the biggest jumping event in Vichy. A real institution for international riders and a magnificent spectacle to see from the platform imagined by Gustave Eiffel.

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